Developing current and future leaders is one of the most important aspect of leadership yet it is one of the challenging areas to intentionally accomplish. The Engage and Mobilize Employees solution gives you a step by step personalized plan to develop leaders.
Here is a sample of what we would work on together to build the plan.
Step 1 Earn the Right to Lead
75% of employees are unhappy in their job and would like to look for new job. You cannot lead just from your position but must lead primarily from your person which is character-influence.
Step 2 Know your Employees
Many employees feel their boss does not know them. Think about coaching a manager to lead their employees as unique individuals.
What are his|her aspirations and goals?
What are his|her talents and skills?
What are his|her challenges?
other powerful questions…
Step 3 Customize your Leadership to the individual
Not one size fits all. Here are three of the seven strategies to customize your style:
Keep the employees challenged
Be a mentor -especially for the high-potentials
Re-engage the employee who is flagging in motivation
other powerful questions…
Step 4 Set Clear Expectations
There are two key ways to do this to get better results.
Step 5 Acknowledge Employees
There are different ways to acknowledge employees, some work and many do not.
Step 6 Develop Employees
Ask managers to see the development plan for each of their employees. Many don’t have one or they are stuck in HR and not used.
What could happen with your team if you were developing them as key contributors?
If this solution sounds like it would help you and your team, then take the next step and set up a brief conversation so we can discuss your situation.