As leaders, we can have foggy mindsets which hold us back. We may have a persistent way of speaking or behaving that indicates we are being slowed down by limiting beliefs. What could happen in your leadership if this fog was changed?
The benefits of changing your mindset include:
You could feel and act with more confidence
You will be able to see an opening up of new possibilities
You can steadily move forward towards the vision
You can exchange the limited perception with a new powerful perspective
For years, I have struggled with questioning my competency to step out to accomplish great things. Others around me said “Charles, if only your confidence matched your competency”. Capturing thoughts with truth about my identity and role is transforming my mindset. I am passionate about working with leaders like you to focus your thinking into leadership confidence.
~ Charles Hooper, Jr.
There are 16 areas of the "Changing my Mindset" process which can bring these benefits.
Here are 3 of the 16 areas and sample questions for you to consider to get started.
Area of Inquiry #1 — Identifying the Limiting Belief and its Cost
Goal: Identify the limiting beliefs from your whole heart (thoughts, emotions, deep desires, and choices). Identify the costs of the limiting belief and how it is holding you back.
List your limiting beliefs. Some examples include:
I am not good enough.
I can’t trust anyone.
Nobody understands me.
Nothing good ever happens to me.
People think that I am ___ so I can’t do ___.
It is too late in my life to ___.
List how the limiting mindset is costing you in various areas of your life (career, finances, family, health, personal time).
If nothing changes, what impact will that have in your life 1 year from now and 5 years from now?
Area of Inquiry #3 — Reframe the mindset
Goal: Convert the negative mindset into a new belief that opens up new opportunities for you.
How can you take the limiting mindset and change it to a new mindset that is not just the opposite?
How could you make the new mindset into a habit?
What new behaviors will be possible if this new mindset becomes a habit?
Area of Inquiry #15 — Emotional Anchors
Goal: By tying the change to powerful emotions, we reinforce the pattern we want.
What is the positive emotion you will feel when you make the change?
What is the negative emotion if you don’t make the change?
How can you remember these emotions, for instance, by anchoring them to a gesture you make?
With my negative mindset and deflated emotions of perfectionism, I have to remember the saying, “good is good enough.” I even physically wipe my hands together to remind myself, “I have done my best and that is all I can do.”
The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
~ L.P. Jacks
How free would you be to clear out the fog on your limiting mindsets?
A great book which I recommend is: Perfecting Ourselves to Death: The Pursuit of Excellence and the Perils of Perfectionism.
If this service sounds like it would help you, then take the next step and set up a brief conversation so we can discuss your situation.