Accelerating Leaders from Complexity to Clarity

Coaching Solution Burnout

Burnout Recovery and Renewal

Stress and burnout seem to go along with the calling of leaders. Many times the chronic and acute issues of leadership can produce debilitating burnout.


In this relational process we will diagnose the causes and factors of your burnout and design a recovery and renewal strategy so your energy and passion is restored. I am a two-time surviver of professional burnout. Not interested in making it three.

Who is this solution designed for?

  • Leaders who have a high level responsibility for tasks and people

  • Leaders who live with chronic or acute stress

  • Leaders who are feeling overwhelmed

  • Leaders who are burned out and showing multiple symptoms of concern

  • Leaders who are just trying to survive

What could be the results of success?

  • Realistic expectations for self and others whom you have responsibility

  • Stress reduction and renewal habits rebuilt or established

  • Restored sense of balance and energy

  • Health regained physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually

  • Recapturing an attitude of thriving in life

Here's how Burnout Recovery and Renewal works:

  • We will start by accessing where you are now and what has taken place to get you in the place of burnout.

  • We will gain awareness of how your behavioral profile contributes to your unique causes of burnout.

  • We will design a personalized strategy to recover from burnout.

  • We will establish renewal habits which will allow you to avoid burnout in the future.

  • The goal of this coaching service is that you are out of burnout and on your way to living with renewed energy, passion and health.

what could happen 4-6 months from now if you had renewed energy, purpose and joy?

If this process sounds like it would help you, then take the next step and set up a brief conversation so we can discuss your situation.