Accelerating Leaders from Complexity to Clarity

Coaching Solution Balance

Take Care of Personal Realms for Work-Life Balance

If you are always going at top speed as a leader, it is like driving your car without ever getting proper maintenance. Many have given up on finding the Holy Grail of “Work-Life Balance” and just keep the peddle to the metal. Come on in to the shop for a tune up!


There is a tool I have used with success both personally and with many leaders I have coached. It is a structured inventory to take care of personal realms and develop a plan to repair various areas.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What distractions outside of work are having a negative impact on your performance at work?

  • How would you describe your work-life balance? [One leader gave a helpful rename to this as “work-life blending”]

  • What would be some benefits of taking a whole life inventory?

  • other questions in the framework…

Sometimes we have one area of our personal life which needs a tune-up. You are successful as a leader but you notice that one area of your life is slipping away and you are getting soft in that area.

Sometimes in life, we need a total rebuild. During times of decision-making, extreme stress, and transition, the engine blows out. We need some time in the shop to rebuild the engine to get back on the road.

Some benefits of the “Take Care of the Personal Realms” process:

  • You will gain greater clarity about your priorities in life.

  • You will have a better quality use of time.

  • You will gain greater focus at work without personal distractions.

  • You will have peace of mind knowing that everything is in order.

  • You will have fulfillment in living a focused life.

try it out!

Choose just ONE challenge in your personal life. It could be Diet, Fitness, Marriage, Social, Spiritual, Savings, etc.

In the area you choose, here are some questions you can ask:

  • What is my overall vision for success and fulfillment in this area in the next 1,3, 5, and 10 years?

  • What is my mission, or the “why” behind why this area is important to me?

  • How will I define success?

  • What will I start doing in this area, and by when?

  • What will I stop doing in this area, and by when?

  • other questions in the framework…

Hopefully, you are getting clarity and motivation to address this area with more hope.

A problem well stated is a problem half resolved. ~ Charles F. Kettering

I love working with leaders to do a “tune-up” or “engine rebuild.” Let me know if you would be interested in working together for a season so you can take care of personal realms!

What are three areas would you like a tune-up or rebuild about?

If this service sounds like it would help you, then take the next step and let’s have a brief conversation so we can discuss your situation.